Primary Repair in Tears Affecting Two or More Rotator Cuff Tendons
Jin Young Kim, Ki Ser Kang, Suk Kee Tae
J Korean Shoulder Elbow Soc. 2007;10(2):160-166.   Published online 2007 Dec 31     DOI:
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Mid-term Results of Biceps Incorporating Suture Without Deteaching the Biceps Tendon from the Flenoid in the Large or Massive Cuff Tear
Jong-Hu Ji, Sang-Eun Park, Young-Yul Kim, Weon-Yoo Kim, Oh-Su Kewon, Dong-Gyun Jang, Chang-Yun Moon
The Journal of the Korean Shoulder and Elbow Society.2008; 11(2): 104.     CrossRef