Neural Blockade and Trigger Point Injection for Chronic Shoulder Pain |
Keunman Shin, M.D. |
Department of Pain Management & Anesthesiology, Hallym University, Seoul |
만성 어깨통증을 위한 신경차단과 방아쇠점 주사 |
신근만 |
한림대학교 의과대학 마취통증의학과 |
Abstract |
The shoulder is a complex area which makes it vulnerable to painful pathologic processes. Chronic shoulder pain has become more common recently due to increased use of computers and a generally more sedentary life style among most people. Trigger point injection and neural blockade are useful for the management of chronic shoulder pain which has not improved with conservative treatment. Published articles concerning trigger point injection or neural blockade for chronic shoulder pain were reviewed to evaluate promising methods. If we are careful to remain aware of the details and complications in addition to adhering to effective treatments, these should be good armamentarium for doctors enthusiastic about the management of chronic shoulder pain. |
Key Words:
Chronic shoulder pain, Trigger point injection, Neural blockade |