Kimura's Disease of the Elbow : A Case Report |
Chul Hyun Cho, Sung Won Sohn, Chul Hyung Kang, Geon Myung Oh |
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, School of Medicine, Keimyung University, Daegu, Korea. |
주관절 부위에 발생한 Kimura씨 병 - 증례 보고 - |
조철현·손승원·강철형·오건명 Kimura’s Disease of the Elbow |
계명대학교 의과대학 정형외과학교실 |
Abstract |
PURPOSE Kimura's disease is an uncommon benign lymphoproliferative inflammatory disorder with an unknown etiology. The recurrence rate after surgical excision is relatively high and renal involvement is its only systemic manifestation. The condition mainly involves the head and neck, and peripheral involvement is extremely rare.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: We encountered the case of a 28-year-old man who had a non-tender mass with mild brownish skin color changes and pruritus around the medial side of the distal arm and elbow. RESULTS The peripheral blood investigation revealed peripheral eosinophilia and elevated serum IgE levels. Magnetic resonance imaging showed an isointensity signal relative to the muscle on the T1-weighted images and hyperintensity signal relative to the muscle on the T2-weighted images. CONCLUSION A marginal resection of the lesion was performed and there was no recurrence at 2 years postoperatively. |
Key Words:
Elbow; Kimura's disease |