Volleyball: Shoulder Injuries and Rehabilitation |
Young Lae Moon, M.D., Jae Suk Han, M.D.※ |
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Chosun University, Kwangju, Korea
Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Seonam University, Kwangju, Korea※ |
배구: 견관절 손상과 재활 |
문영래, 한재석 |
조선대학교 부속병원 정형외과학교실, 서남대병원 정형외과학교실※ |
Abstract |
Volleyball has become one of the world’s most popular participatory sports in recent years. There are many dynamic skills and movements needed to play the game. As a result, many acute and overuse injuries to the shoulder may occur. This article addresses the common injuries and rehabilitation recommendations for the shoulder injuries in the volleyball players. The glenohumeral instability, primary or secondary impingement, internal impingement, labral injuries, and suprascapular nerve lesions are common problems in volleyball players. A basic knowledge of the biomechanics and volleyball maneuvers (blocking, serving, and spiking) can help in the development of appropriate trainging and rehabilitation protocols. Special emphasis must be placed on the knowledge of muscular patterns involved in serving and spiking, because they typically require a strenuous unilateral action of the dominant shoulder. It is therefore imperative to include adequate stretching and muscular training programme for the prevention, as well as for therapy, of shoulder pain in volleyball players. |
Key Words:
Shoulder, Volleyball, Rehabilitation |