Orthopaedic Rehabilitation in Chronic Shoulder Pain |
Suk-Kee Tae, M.D., Kee-Hyun Lee, M.D. |
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery Chung-Ang University College of Medicine |
만성 견관절통에 대한 정형외과적 재활치료 |
태석기, 이기현 |
중앙대학교 의과대학 정형외과학교실 |
Abstract |
Disorders of the shoulder in which conservative management is indicated as a primary treatment include idiopathic frozen shoulder, atraumatic instability, acute calcific tendinitis, subacromial impingement syndrome, partial thickness or small full thickness tear of the rotator cuff, and chronic rotator cuff tear in elderly population. Aside from medication and various physical modalities used for relief of pain, the mainstay of orthopaedic rehabilitation consists of stretching of the tendons and capsulologamentous complex, and strengtnening of rotator cuff muscles as well as surrounding muscles. However, orthopaedic rehabilitation in chronically painful conditions of the shoulder differs in detail according to the specific diseases or injuries. And it is important to make the rehabilitation program that can be undertaken by the patients rather than adhering to a fixed schedule. Also the program should be changed as the condition of the patient improves or detoriorates. Nevertheless there are basic rules of stretching and strengthening, which should always be observed in applying orthopaedic rehabilitation treatment. |
Key Words:
Shoulder, Chronic Pain, Rehabilitation |